Featured News
AFSCME’s I AM STORY podcast wins national awards
AFSCME’s I AM STORY podcast wins national awards
AFSCME supports new federal rule that seeks to improve nursing home staffing
AFSCME supports new federal rule that seeks to improve nursing home staffing
Biden’s new $9 billion student debt relief plan would greatly help public service workers
Biden’s new $9 billion student debt relief plan would greatly help public service workers
President Saunders, AFSCME members picket with UAW members, show strong solidarity
President Saunders, AFSCME members picket with UAW members, show strong solidarity
AFSCME National
Big Challenges and Big Opportunities Ahead
Senate passes Social Security Fairness Act, a major victory for public service workers
Oregon behavioral health workers overwhelmingly give their boss a thumbs down
Minnesota members who keep Hennepin County running win hard-fought contract
Always on the lookout, Louisville plumber leader assistant is Never Quit winner